Wednesday 24 August 2011

World Youth Day

A few days have already lapsed from the conclusion of the World Youth Day in Madrid; I was not present there and I had not even got involved in following its preparation. And yet, it keeps echoing in my mind, it pops up in the sermons and classes I give, and above all it cheers me up, it brings a brisker step to my journey.
Much as I appreciate the guidance of the Holy Father (to the dismay of some dear friends of mine, who may have some reservations about it), I did not expect what I received through the media. The Holy Father took several long strides forward in his journey to fight the prevailing relativistic mentality. He repeatedly told different categories of people, and above all the youth, not to be afraid to search for Truth, the Truth, the only One. He, therefore, gave a shot in the arm to the millions of Catholics worldwide who care for a less mimetic, more assertive presence of our Church in the many arenas of today's world.
I am the least of them all, but I place myself among them. The benign and moderate – but nonetheless clear and straightforward – teachings of the Pope have given me great consolation. They keep ringing in my ears as a loving word of encouragement, as a pat on my shoulder: go ahead, you are not on a wrong path, after all.
Among other websites, one which I follow from its inception offered remarkable timely updates and analyses. Should anybody be interested, to keep in touch with developments in the church, here it is: Besides English, Italian and Spanish readers will find it in their own languages, too.

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