Monday 22 August 2011

Queenship of Mary

In your honour, Queen of Angels and Saints, our Mother.
K., whose presence here cheered us up a few days ago, gave the final blow to my reluctance to write and “publish” online.
His provocation, however, had an easy task. It's a while since I realised how much I received from several writers and friends who dare to publish the fruit of their search for truth, or the steps they took in their life journey. I realise how much I receive, on a daily basis, and how little I offer. I've been nudged a few times to give my contribution. I've never said no; I've never done it, either. With a pang of guilt feeling lingering deep in my stomach.
I have no idea how relevant or helpful my posts may be. I've never been good at self-esteem, and very little gracious or adept at welcoming encouragement, appreciation or sympathy.
But here we are.
Whatever will be found on these pages, from today onwards, is my way of saying “thank you” to people who matter a lot to me, and whose thoughts and spiritual quest have helped shaping mine.

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