Sunday 28 August 2011

One thousand generations

Little Z. gave me a gift: he dropped a small puppet on the van, a ladybug surmounted by a small bee. I found it too late to give it back. So now it sits on my desk, a reminder of his brief presence.
Z. and the other children who visited us are the incarnations of the demanding choices their parents made during the years of their youth. They had the courage of swimming against the current of contemporary trends and world patterns, whenever those trends and patterns clashed with their Catholic Faith. Hard and unpopular as that might have been at the time, their children are now there to show the astonishing results.
It reminds me of the word of the Scripture: the Lord blesses the children of the just man up to the thousandth generation.
As I pause and contemplate God's work in them, I wonder: I had the venture of accompanying a number of seminarians towards their religious vows and priesthood. I am not their Dad, of course. My personal choices had obviously had an impact on the course of their development. How positive or negative, I cannot judge properly.
Wondering about the past is only helpful to live the present. All I can do is to strive so that my present choices have a positive impact on the people who are entrusted to me now. And to entrust all others to the loving hands of the Father.

1 comment:

  1. Fr dear am printing this out to show Z when he grows up :) Thanks for your Generous words and being there for us .
